Key Figures
The Glamourhead Sharks held their very first training session 20 years ago at Prahran Pool. The Glams were formed to send a team of lesbian and gay swimmers to the 2002 Sydney Gay Games and to provide an LGBTQ affirming environment and to compete and achieve personal and team bests.
The final in this series of just some (but certainly not all) of the key figures during the club’s 20 year history. The club relies so much on the strength and integrity of its coaches. From our first coach and founder, Lawrie Fabian, to our current head coach Jason Buckner, each coach brings brings their own style, enthusiasm and experience to bear to encourage, cajole and drive us all to each our own brand of best whether fitness or competition performance.
Anna Carruthers
Anna Carruthers was one such coach. Joining the team in 2005 she was coach and then Head Coach for 10 years! Her drive and passion and cheeky manner inspired many of us in the pool. We love our coaches!
Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming social media campaigns featuring the current members of the club, our volunteer coaches and committee members. Also if you wish to contribute to our digital history project don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by messaging us.
Warrick Glynn
Another founding member, Warrick Glynn, was there at our very first training session at Prahran Pool 20 years ago this month – “That first night of Glamourhead Sharks training, before we even had a club name, was the beginning of something very special for me and for so many others. The planets must have aligned or something because the Glams became my besties, fully entwined in my life. Over the years that followed the formation of the club, we swam together, we travelled together, we danced together and we marched together. An absolute highlight for Darren and me was the joy and privilege of getting married in Montreal with our Glamourheads family as our supportive, loving guests”.
Warrick was awarded Life Membership status in 2011 after long years of service and commitment on the committee and within the club.
Russell Knee.
Our longest serving president represents one of the most committed people in the clubs history. Also at the very first training session he is a key person in the development of the club’s growth, longevity, and of its culture. Team Captain 2001 – 2004, Coach 2006 – 2009, Treasurer 2010 – 2012, Life Member 2012, President 2012- early 2018, this guy has done it all. “Rusty” also started ocean water swimming in 2001 and with others has built the ocean water swimming group, the Salty Glams – “From the first training session in March 2001, through all the ups and downs of life, you can guarantee that when you are with the Glams you will always have a laugh and smile on your face by the time you leave. Somehow the club has been able to attract the most amazingly caring people over the years, members come and go but when you meet up with them it’s like there had never been any time apart. You make the most extraordinary friends for life.”
Lawrie Fabian
It was Lawrie Fabian’s vision to form the first gay and lesbian swim team in Melbourne. He was our founder, first coach, first president and mentor. He got us on our way with encouragement, determination, commitment, love and care to become not only a reputable swim team, but instilling in us the sense of community, inclusiveness, connectedness – a family. Lawrie wanted to ensure that all swimmers were encouraged and supported in their goals – to gain fitness and skills development, to be challenged, have fun, enjoy social and community connection in a safe, LGBTQ affirming environment and to compete and achieve personal and team bests. Seen by members of the club as the “father of the Glams” who generously instilled a particular team spirit in which all cared for and looked after each other, motivated and encouraged different skills levels and fitness, social and competitive outcomes. After 7 years with the club Lawrie left Melbourne to move interstate but he loves seeing how our club has grown and its abiding spirit of ‘generosity and inclusion’.
Anke Kohfahl
She was there at the very first training session at Prahran Pool of the Glamourhead Sharks 20 years ago this month.
As a proud founding member, Anke has been a caring and ever present member of the club. Working on the committee as treasurer for 2 years and as a general committee member for many years, Anke was awarded life membership of the Glams in 2013. Anke embodies the values of the club: encouragement, diversity and inclusion, fun and community building – “Camaraderie is written in capital letters: inside and outside the pool and in open waters. Over the years my connection and sense of belonging with the Glams has become stronger, even more so my sense of pride being a Glam. The bond is always there: once a Glamourhead, always a Glamourhead”.
Ed Jardine
Ed joined the Glamourhead sharks in 2001. Building up to the Gay Games in Sydney he wanted to become more involved in the club. Taking over from Melanie as President he steered the growth of the club culminating in leading the team to participate in the 2006 World Outgames in Montreal. At 42 swimmers, the Glams were the largest team outside North America to attend – “I loved my years with the Glamours, it was so much fun and welcoming to everyone. It was a special time, when the club was cementing its identity in Melbourne, participating in new alliances with other queer sporting clubs and pushing for visibility in Melbourne’s thriving queer culture. I am really grateful to have been part of such a wonderful group of people”.
Melanie Young
A formative part of the club is our next member of the wall of fame, Melanie Young. Melanie was our first vice president then our first Glams female president from 2003-2005. Featured in our recent focus on the women of the club, Melanie set the standard for the club culture of diversity and inclusion and her leadership ensured that legacy would endure to today.
Dane McManus
Joining the club in June 2001, Dane McManus held various positions within the club, from treasurer to secretary, coach to President. His 3 years as president from 2010-2013 is the role he is most proud of – “I have met some of my best friends through the club and feel like I am part of something much bigger through the work we do within and outside of the LGBTIQ community. The Glamourheads are amazing, you have changed my life and enriched it more than words can say”. Dane was nominated as a life member of the Glamourheads in 2012.
Jason Buckner
Current head coach Jason first joined the club in 2004 and has been head coach since 2016, earning his place on our insta wall of fame. Jason’s tireless work with the club in his role of encouraging and exhorting us to do our very best whether it is for competition or for fitness embodies the values of the club – “I love swimming and I love swimming with the Glams as I get to combine that love with a family of amazing people who are always there to support you, be it in the pool or in life”.
Prahran Pool
has always had a special place in the Glamourheads hearts. It was there, 20 years ago this month that the Glamourhead Sharks held their very first training session. Formed to send a team of lesbian and gay swimmers to the 2002 Sydney Gay Games, over the years the club has grown beyond that vision to become a vital part of the Melbourne LGBTQ community.